Organizing, Redesign & Staging

Monday, July 23, 2007

6 Random Organizing Tips 4 U

  1. Linen and clothes closet tip: when items are in vertical piles on shelves or in drawers, you can ensure an even rotation of usage by putting newly cleaned items on the bottom of the pile. That way, the items recently worn or used are not always being grabbed for.

  2. Use clear-vinyl hanging shoe organizers on the back of doors for small items. They’re great for dolls and doll accessories, toy cars, kids’ clothing, crafts and office supplies. These organizers are best put behind a door so that you can close the door and hide the visual “colorfulness”.

  3. Hang a magnetic pad on the side of the refrigerator so that when you or family members are about to use the last item or eat the last of the food, it can easily be written down nearby. In our house, if it doesn’t get written down, it doesn’t exist or need to be bought yet!

  4. Keep gift cards and store/retail coupons (i.e. a gift certificate to a restaurant or a Starbucks gift card) in your primary car. If you don’t want to lug them in your wallet or purse, put them in a bag and in a memorable spot in the car – chances are, anytime you’d use them, you’d be driving there. Every so often go through the cards and coupons to toss out of date ones and remind yourself what you have.

  5. If you haven’t converted to online bill paying, try it! Try one payee to start if you have to. It is SO easy and you save tons on stamps. When the mail comes, you can toss everything but the statement since you don’t need the envelope, too. Use the statement to record the online bill pay transaction and file it.

  6. Hang an attractive open basket or decorative wall container near the door where you’d leave with outgoing mail. Ours has a little tag attached that reads “Outgoing Mail”. Whenever you have something to be mailed, stick it in the basket. A quick look at the basket or simply walking near the door will remind you that things need to be put into the mailbox.