Organizing, Redesign & Staging

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Effects of Clutter

Want a specific list of how clutter and disorganization affect us? Here you go -- hopefully, as you are getting more organized, fewer and fewer of these questions stump you!

MONEY -- How much money are you spending now to maintain what you have? Are you paying to store things you never or rarely use? Could you sell the items to make money or donate them to get a tax deduction?
How much do you pay in late fees for missed bill payments or in duplicate products you buy because you didn’t know you already had one? How much money do you spend buying things you don’t really need? How many unused possessions were bought on a whim?
Do you really have space to display your collection or will it end up in a cupboard, under your bed, or in boxes in the loft or garage? Is your collection in reality just clutter?

SPACE / THINGS -- If a room in your home burned to the ground, what contents would you want to replace? What haven’t you looked at or touched in so long you forgot it was there? Who says you have to keep all those things? Is it something that enhances your life? Do you like it? Does it bring you joy? Is it useful to you now?
Do you want to be remembered for the possessions in your life, or for who you are? Are you passing on a cluttered home to loved ones when you are no longer here? Remember the more things you have, the more stuff you have to touch, move, store, clean etc.

TIME -- How much time do you spend looking for things? How many places to you have to look to find an item? How often do you lose your car keys or wallet?
How often has looking for these items made you late for work, late to drop the kids off somewhere, or late for an appointment? Have you ever lost an important document or information? Can you find scissors, tape or a piece of paper to write on at short notice?

MENTAL -- How much does your clutter cost in, peace of mind or missed opportunities? Imagine what it would be like to reduce your stress level or the amount of cleaning and upkeep. Imagine what you could do with the time, energy, and space your clutter is currently taking up. Instead of reactive or survival mode, organization would allow you to be proactive and creative.
What lessons are you teaching or modeling for your children? How are they impacted by clutter or disorganization each day? When the doorbell rings unexpectedly do you feels pleasantly surprised, or rush around in a panic tidying up, in case someone drops by unexpectedly and you don’t want them to see your house? Could it be that your clutter is the thing stopping you from being sociable?