Organizing, Redesign & Staging

Monday, July 2, 2007

Quickie Tip!

I learned this tip the hard way. The other day I was on the computer looking at a folder of 22 files (handouts I use for clients and classes). While I have a printed-out version of each handout, I thought it would be helpful to have a print-out of just the list of the files; in other words, I wanted a list of the contents of the folder. That way, at a glance, I could look at all the handout topics on one piece of paper without looking at the computer.

I tried to highlight, copy and paste the list to no avail, then searched online for some help. Apparently many PC users had the same question, and all I got was some "command>"/DOS gobbledy-gook that I didn't understand (plus my husband told me in no uncertain terms that I was not to mess with the inner workings of the computer).

After about a half an hour, when I was determined that this should be able to be done, I adapted a trick I read about online. Go to your folder and have the items viewed in details or list format. Hit "Alt" and "Print Screen/SysRq" at the same time. Open up a blank Word document and hit Paste. You'll get a snapshot of the window (what you actually see on the screen), and print it out. I did this for a few folders where I had a lot of items, and wrote in caps at the top what the category was. Just thought I'd share!