Organizing, Redesign & Staging

Friday, September 28, 2007

Just Dump It All Out!!!

Isn't it so fun to pull out everything from a closet and cabinet and reorganize?? Ok, maybe it is just me. But truthfully, I think it is an enjoyable task (which is good since I'm a Professional Organizer and clients hire me to enjoy things like that).

I like pulling everything out, making the closet, shelves and space all empty and admiring the view. When's the last time you saw that space empty and cleared out -- maybe when you moved in? I like to take a moment and see it all empty. Forget the pile and mess you created when you took everything out -- just admire the clean blank slate. By doing so, you'll be more tempted to put things away sparsely, in an orderly fashion, and keep it clean.

Another good thing about 'starting from scratch' is that you see all your things, on the floor, including some stuff you thought you lost, misplaced or things that need to be tossed. You can sort through and purge more easily because it is all in your face. Clients hate when I dump out a drawer or empty off a shelf and put the contents in a big pile. It is shocking and a bit off-putting for them. But I tell them that this is the best way to deal with it --physically touching all items -- and move on.

After the sorting process, you can then return things in an organized way. You may decide to add more containers, do some labelling or add some type of product or system, or do nothing but replace the contents. But either way, what goes back in is only what you want to be there. Finally, it will give you a great sense of accomplishment. Trust me -- I do it a lot!